Rashed Khadker & Stonehouse Photography
Anna Ulrikke Videography
Mind Your Step, Contact
Mind your Step, Contact is a collaboration between architect/artist Quynh Vantu, Choreographer Anastasia Papaeleftheriadou & Performing Architect Kyveli Anastassiadi. The project evokes our reinvestigation of space through movement and spatial experience. It demonstrates the relationship between the pedestrian and the environment through movement as examined in Michel de Certeau's 'encuciative' functions of walking. The threshold is a physical manifestation of movement signifying transition from one space to another.'Mind your Step, contact' portrays images of cross meeting among people in constricted public spaces such as thresholds and staircases.
Artistic Concept : Quynh Vantu (Architect/Artist)
Choreography & Performance : InMotus & Kyveli Anastassiadi
Presented: UCL architecture- PhD Research Conference
Venue: Bartlett Institute of Architecture-UCL (University College London)
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