Kyveli Anastassiadi Videography



Symbiosis; the state of different organisms living closely together for much or all of their lives. Following Margulis’s and Dorian's Sagan saying "Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking” this project researches the phenomena of symbiosis as a matter of life and death on living organisms. Symbiosis depicts relationships of man to man, man with his own nature and man with his environment proposing an idea for collective and creative (co) habitation in spaces. Concepts of cooperation, mutual dependence, exchange, inspiration, communication, interaction are the stimuli to generate the choreography. 


Performance: Martina Tavella, Amelia Skin, Elzbieta Kowalik, Jessica Haener

Choreography: InMotus

Music Composition: Adrian Corker

Performed:  Part of You Are Here Project & Part of London Science Festival

Venues: Tricycle Theatre & Limewharf



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