Images by YunJu Park

Pink to Yellow

Performance For The Camera For A 3D Art-Architecture Digital Animation Exploring The Desire Of Shopping.

This Project is research based process with two phases: Architectural plan modelling for 3d animation and dance-performance about people’s pesire. All process finally realized one channel video work.

Based on research about display structure of SPA brand, “ZARA”, This explores how people are seduced or provoked by the display structures and methodology during shopping. The performance of desire by the dancer relates with the structures that stimulate consumption. The structure is to provoke people’s desire about beauty, which is fake or fantasy. The dancer´s practice merges or melts with the image of the consumption structure to create a new abstract-visual at some point.

Artist Concept & Camera: YunJu Park

Performance and Choreography: InMotus

Venue: Hangar Arts Institute Barcelona

Supported by